St. Mark United Methodist Church
"Leading, Lifting, Loving"- Since 1955

Who are we?
Saint Mark United Methodist! That's who!
Founded in 1955, Saint Mark United Methodist Church has been a loving, caring, helpful community of believers since the beginning! We believe in one God, who saves us from our sins. We want everyone to experience and be a part of God's love, and we strive to do that as a church family. There are SO many ways you can become involved with us, and this information can be found on the menu tabs above. Walk with us. Talk with us. Pray with us. You are welcomed, just as you are.
Our History...
A young ministerial student from Emory University, Samuel Poston, was appointed to canvas the area in Charleston's West Ashley in the area around Geddes Hall. Air Harbor, Edgewater Park, and Stono Park, to determine the need for a METHODIST CHURCH. A bicycle was his mode of transportation as he struggled through the summer heat to visit the neighborhoods. "Sammy" was successful. By 1955, a Charter was night was held. As growth began, the church was moved to an old airplane hangar. Ebenezer Newell was the first church organist. He carried a portable pump organ to and from services weekly. The church then moved to a different location, as folk got tired of being rained on! The church purchased the land the current building sits on in mid 1955. We now call the building that was used the "Annex". In 1956, the first service was held in the new wing that was added. This contained the sanctuary and 5 classrooms! The membership was around 119 and Sunday School averaged about 90. In 1962, a larger sanctuary and educational building were constructed. In 1991, ground was broken for the current sanctuary and renovation of the old sanctuary which is now Heidtman Hall. The stained-glass windows were carefully taken down, and now reside in the current sanctuary. In 2009, a renovation and expansion program were started and completed. The new "admin wing" holds the pastoral office, our very first church library, a conference room, the main church office, and work room, as well as a prayer room. In 2014, the St. Mark Day School was started and continues to grow! To this day, we are still growing and expanding. We are blessed to be a part of this amazing Charleston community. Leading, Lifting, Loving. - Barbra Shaw, St. Mark UMC Historian